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With the main floor 1950's diner-esque  renovations complete, here at TLB Inc. we knew that eventually, someday, who knows when, the basement would need to be "freshened up". Utilized mainly for storage as well as a home away from home for the Belter kids to spend their days, week and years after school while Mom & her staff finished off the day, it was, in the same way as the main floor was, fixed up well enough to be functional for what it needed to be functional for. A bathroom, laundry room and small kitchenette complete with the original Harvest Gold and Avocado Green stove and fridge, the what is now called the "rec room", was floor to ceiling kids toys and all things toddlers so to speak. The brown and gold shag carpet was buried completely, thankfully:) The clean up/ renovation plan was put in motion that started with a yard sale at beginning of June. The day was a Sunday. The time was from 10pm until 2pm. The sale was a massive success. By 2:01pm, Cameron, the guy with the hammer and stuff, was already down in the now empty "rec room to be" ripping out the carpet. Exposing what was feared, a first layer of linoleum, a sub floor, a second layer of linoleum and what one could only imagine was the original layer with all the character it could muster up from the 1960s. All glued down. All gross. All here we go again! So.....Do we embrace our past and history here at TLB Inc.? Yes. We. Do, Using the stove and fridge colors as a starting point, the creative juices started flowing and low and behold..... the 1970s showed up. How groovy is that!  Very very groovy!

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